Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Let the Kids be Kids #

I recently watched a program on National Geo called “Kids Who Preach”. It showed a 4 year old boy from somewhere near Alabama who, in all rights seemed to be a phenomenal preacher and quoted numerous bible readings and showed immense passion. However, it is also showed him as a normal 4 year old boy who had trouble reading and writing in general but liked to have fun, whenever possible.

It also showed an older boy who has been preaching for years and has become known for his healing ministry across the US and has been invited to speak where those inviting him have paid to host him, bought him suits and dressed him in expensive clothes and so on. You get the picture.
Whilst I have no doubt whatsoever that these kids do hear from God and clearly, it troubles me that there are some people who tend to see beyond them in such a way as to try exploit the work of the Father in their lives.

Now I am not saying that this behaviour is common throughout kid’s ministry, but it scared me in a way that it is happening elsewhere and I found myself praying for the kids so that they may come to know their Father in their own natural way and begin a relationship with Him without being forced to have to think about anything else. When they come to know the Father and begin their relationship and walk closely with Him, then they will be lavished with the gifts He has in store for them and things such as healing ministries and great preaching will come as a default BUT the greatest thing in all this will be they will enjoy the company and love of the Father first and foremost.

I believe we should never forget that these boys and many others like them all over the world are in fact, kids. They are trying to live a normal life growing up in a normal way and get on life as how they should. God has such a hand on these kids and their lives that He already knows best how and when to speak to them and what they will walk into with Him. Let us not look beyond that and let us help them enjoy what they have already and rejoice in who they are today and what they are doing. For if we truly believe the truth in Jeremiah 29:11, then we know also that our part to play in all this to encourage them and not to exploit them.